The Abingdon Group, Lower Lodge Riding Centre Southmoor, OX13 5H on Sunday 22nd October 2023
We hope our training morning offers some interesting demonstrations and advice that will help you with your coaching.
- 9.30 We will meet for coffee. Just bring yourselves and appropriate clothing for a morning in the riding school.
- 10.00 Frances Lochrane .Regional Chair.
- 10.15 Hannah Sheehan .How Osteopathy can benefit the horse and the rider.
- 11.00 Nona Dane. Moving on from walk to trot and benefits to rider
The morning will finish with sandwiches and coffee to give everyone the opportunity to discuss the morning’s session and ask any questions
This is only for Coaches or Coaches in training, not volunteers.
To book your place, please download the booking form and return it to:
Mrs. Evelyn Bracey , Home Farm, Woolley, Wantage, OX128NL. Email: [email protected]