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The South Region Qualifer is Proudly sponsored by Project Pony

January 28, 2025 Katy 0

Project Pony is an initiative which aims to
identify and support up and coming young
riders with a realistic ambition of competing
at the top level, in particular by giving them
the chance to ride elite eventing ponies.
Project Pony was born from the love of this thrilling
and exhilarating sport and the desire is to give a
little back by opening the door to young,
determined athletes who might not otherwise
get the opportunities their ability deserves.
In short, Project Pony is all about giving talent a
chance in the sport of eventing.

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Nominations for the Annual and Coaching awards are OPEN!

January 23, 2025 Katy 0

This is your chance to help us celebrate the incredible contributions of our volunteers, coaches, participants, and equines who make such a difference across RDA. All the details, including the nomination form, social media graphics and promotional resources, can be found on MyRDA here.

Nominations close 2nd March

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New regulations on looped reins (Alice reins)

January 23, 2025 Katy 0

In 2024, the FEI and British Dressage updated their regulations for Alice Reins due to Health and Safety considerations. The key updates are as follows:

  • A maximum of four loops per rein, with each loop strap measuring no more than 30cm in length (measured inside the loops).
  • Loops may be attached to the rein using a fixed attachment or via a clip-on loop that allows for adjustments.
  • Each rein may have up to eight attachments or a maximum of six fixed finger loops stitched to the rein. Each loop must measure no more than 10cm in length.

RDA will adopt these regulations for the 2025 Regional Qualifiers, National Championships, and beyond. While RDA no longer recommends the old-style loop reins, groups may continue using them for the next six months to allow time for replacements where needed. Click here to purchase the new Alice Reins

If anyone has any further queries or questions, then please do not hesitate to [email protected]

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Upcoming Training

January 17, 2025 Katy 0

Finding your stride, a training series to equipe RDA coaches/ Volunteers to manage stress, navigate conflicts, and prevent burn out

  • 23rd January – Conflict resolution (virtual) 18:00-19:00 Book on MyRDA
  • 6th Febuary – Burnout Prevention (virtual) 18:00-19:00 Book on MyRDA

3rd February: RDA Countryside Challenge Judges Training Day (In person). 10:30am – 2pm. Please email [email protected] to join.